At 01:07 PM 5/6/01 -0700, Chris wrote:
What you need to do is figure out why people consider
homicide a reasonable
act and do something about _that_.
This is so reasonable I didn't expect it :-). Which society would you
rather live in? One where you were so afraid of everyone else that you
couldn't allow anyone to own a gun, or one where everyone owned a gun and
you weren't afraid they would try to kill you with it?
Wake up people, if you can't bring yourself to realize your fear of "guns"
is really a fear of your fellow person trying to kill you, then you will
waste all your time and money and energy trying to ban a SYMBOL and ignore
In Los Angeles a guy walks in to a school and kills 2 with a handgun and
injures another. Front page news and continuing coverage for a week.
TWO WEEKS later another guy purposefully drives his Cadillac into an Jewish
retirement home and kills SEVEN because he "hates jews." Didn't even make
the front page, and no one suggested "car control laws."
Get rid of people who thing killing a fellow human being is a reasonable
course of action and gun control is a non-issue. Getting rid of guns will
only force those looney tunes to use other (often more effective)
techniques to kill you.