Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 14:38:21 -0500
From: Gary Hildebrand <ghldbrd(a)>
Subject: Re: ADA 1600 for Pet?
Joe wrote:
I recently picked up a box called a "ADA 1600 Pet Printer Interface".ki
It's a box slightly larger than a pack of cigarettes with two cables
attached to it. One cable has a Centronics type connector on it and the
other has a small circuit board with both a male and female 24 position
card edge connectors on it. Is anyone familar with it or does anyone know
which model PET it's for?
I think that's an IEEE (HP-IB) to centronics adapter box. I remember
the PETS were famous for that IEEE interface for both disk drives and
printers. The same philosophy continued into the VIC and C=64 lines,
but in a modified serial format. Typical Commodore, just enough
different to be a pain . . . .
Gary Hildebrand
Tsk, tsk; I would have thought that the SCSI fans would have more appreciation for
Commodore's IEEE488 GPIB implementation back in the 70's: less pain than some
people on this list have had with SCSI, addressable daisy-chained peripherals, more
expensive and less selection just like SCSI, and no problems with termination etc. :-).
And they could (and indeed did) talk more or less directly to a lot of high-end lab
equipment, especially HP's, although admittedly not quite at the 10Mbps rate of
That is indeed what it is, Joe; if you actually want to use it, the DIP switch selects the
unit address (usually 4 for a printer) and (if I remember correctly) the CR/LF and
all-caps options. Still have a couple in fact, as well as a 1450 serial version; used one
for many years to let my 8032 talk to my Centronics 101.