> Sure.
> If you can boot the Victor, then you can format
> disks with it, and even
> make a boot disk.
On Tue, 9 Jan 2007, Chris M wrote:
Yeah but that's laying an egg somehow w/o the
chicken. What I was thinking was tacking some code
into a rom chip. After POST/before bootstrapping,
cause it to format a floppy. Umm the rest I haven't
figured out yet...
Remember that "boot" is short for "bootstrap".
The relevance of THAT goes back to Baron Von Munchausen.
The good baron, although oft accused of exaggeration, told many tales of
his travels. One time, he was stuck in a swamp, and sinking fast. There
was nothing overhead to grab, and nothing solid on any side. So, he
reached down, grabbed the straps of his boots, and lifted himself out of
It would certainly be easier if somebody has one that they could copy for
The world lost much when Don Maslin died.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at