Hi everyone,
If you have never checked out any of the shows that I produce, please consider checking
one or more out over the holidays. I just posted the new Retro Computing Roundtable
podcast today. Find it here -
http://bit.ly/iazQ2S with links to the others at the top of
the page.
There is also - "Stan Veit's History of the Personal Computer" audiobook
podcast & the Classic Computing Show video podcast.
I'm like the Leo Laporte of computer history podcasts! Well, OK, so I'm not as
professional, and I don't have the years of radio and television experience, nor the
equipment, or the money . . . OK, OK, I stink compared to Leo, I'm nothing like him! ;
They're good shows.
Have a great holiday season.
David Greelish, Computer Historian
Classic Computing
The Home of Computer History Nostalgia
Classic Computing Blog
Classic Computing Show video podcast
"Stan Veit's History of the Personal Computer" audiobook podcast
Retro Computing Roundtable podcast
Historical Computer Society
Classic Computing Expo 1.0 - planning for sometime late 2011!