Tony Duell wrote:
It's become something of a tradition at HPCC
for me to drag along a slightly off-topic machine (desktop, not handheld,
but sitll an HP devive) once a year, demonstrate it, adn take it to bits.
You have doubtless seen the photos..
Can you drag along one of HP's more modern printers and take it to bits
with an enormous hammer? I think I'd like to see photos of that :-)
I forgot to mention that another part of the tradition (which so far has
never been broken) is that I put it all back togeterh again and have it
working at the end of the meeting :-)
The only printer I've eer done was the 7245 printer/plotter. And that is
sufficiently interesting and well made that I didn't want to use a hamemr
on it. I may well do things like the 9866 and 2631 sometime, again, those
are interesting and well made, so I'd use a screwdriver, not a hammer, to
take them apart.
I can fully understnad wanting to take a hammer to many modern HP
products, alas :-( You're welcome to join HPCC and do this, provided you
don't spread toner or ink around the room.