On Apr 7, 2007, at 5:42 AM, Steven N. Hirsch wrote:
What's the
largest capacity 3.5" MFM HDD available?
I have an extensive collection of MFM/RLL drives and have _never_
run across one with that interface in a 3.5" form-factor. Not sure
that anything of this sort existed. 5.25" 1/2-ht. was about as
sophisticated as they got.
I don't know what to tell you. I had one in my first XT clone, ca.
1989. I just bought a few more because it was such a.. erm..
memorable drive. It was (is) a Miniscribe 3640. 40 MB, 3.5" HH, MFM,
slow, and loud as f*#&. Just off the top of my head, I also have a
Tandon TM262: 40 MB, 3.5" HH, MFM.
I think there were other Miniscribe drives up to 60 or 70 MB. TheRef
can verify, if it's possible even to still find a copy of it on the net.
3.5" MFM drives are not (were not) unusual, especially in the later
days before IDE started to take over the world.
Jeez, there are even a bunch listed in the Red Hill Guide.