Just zoom up the picture of the beast. 8 JKs, a bunch of gates,
incandecent lamp drivers and some switches, had a variable rate clock
generator and debounced pulse switches. Not much more. Surface was high
density particle board silkscreened with the logic symbols and sides of
the patch cords plugs were fairly large 1/16"? and plugged into brass
mounted at the intersection of the logic symbols.
That all I can remember.
Jim Davis.
healyzh(a)aracnet.com wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm in no position (at
this time) to offer more than $50.00
for one, and I know that's probably going to be way too low.
Don't feel bad Bruce. I'm in the same boat. I'd really love one of these,
but can't afford one right now :^(
Now if someone could provide the plans for one I'd be interested in building
one eventually!