I am having a re-org of the workspace and have decided to release a number
of books acquired over the last 3/4 decades but I am in a quandary as I
can't store them, don't think the local Cat's Protection League can handle
them and I am reluctant to consign them to the skip. While I appreciate that
they may not qualify as true vintage currently they will be before too long,
like PL/1 primers were years ago when folks were skipping them. I have
between two to three dozen (some big) and won't impose here by listing them
all but they include such nuggets as 'Secrets of Windows 2000 Server', 'MTS
Programming in Visual Basic', Kernighan's 'Software Tools in Pascal',
'Understanding and Programming COM+' and 'Developing Professional
Applications in Windows 95 and NT Using MFC'. I have most if not all of the
accompanying CD's. I am afraid my 'Introduction to Programming using Fortran
77' and 'Lepton and Baryon Number Violation in Particle Physics,
Astrophysics and Cosmology' along with my Amiga development manuals are not
up for grabs (cold, dead hands, etc.)
I can't expect anyone crazy enough to take the whole lot (but free for the
collection if you like and welcome) but does anyone know anywhere who would
take them and keep them for posterity? Just can't stand the thought of good
books being destroyed.
Please post here if you can help then we can take it off-list.
James Attfield
Proud owner of:
Amiga 500 (x4), Amiga 1500 (x2), Atari 1024 (maybe), BBC Model 'B', Amiga
3000, Amiga 4000, Cromemco System One
Proud builder of:
Imsai 8080, North Star Horizon, Processor Technology Sol-20, Nascom-I,
Nascom -II
Proud past seller of all of the above plus:
Cromemco, Vector Graphic, Compucolor, Ohio Scientific, Commodore (PET,
VIC-20, 64), South West Technical Products
KIM-1, Osborne-1, Exidy Sorcerer, ITT 2020, Dragon 32, Apricot, Comart, IBM