Sellam Ismail wrote:
Hi Wayne.
I don't find it preposterous at all. I burned one CD of Napster-derived
Jimi Hendrix music that I liked (and passed a couple copies around). I
bought probably 10-15 CDs based on music I had discovered through
I reward artists that make music I like by buying their albums. I suspect
I am not alone.
Ever since Napster went away I have returned to my normal buying habits of
1-2 CDs per 6 months. The drivel being played on the radio does not
compel me to go to the store.
I'm like Sellam here. I have bought quite a few CDs, based on hearing a
song or two from the album via Napster.
Granted, I'm one of those people who look for that album in the used
rack first, before resorting to a buying new copy. It is a form of
recycling; but I wonder what exactly do the record labels think of me
for that?
I also believe that new audio CDs are still overpriced. Doesn't stop me
from buying one, though, if I can't find a used
---Dave Woyciesjes
---ICQ# 905818