Subject: Re: Old MS-DOS & WIN Software
From: Wouter <cctech at>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 14:42:36 +0200
To: cctech at
Hi all
Mind you if somebody came up with a better OS
when the 386's came out,
would we have windows today?
It's called "Linux". And yea, we still have Windoze... :-)
At the time of the 386 there was:
CCPM, at least three *nix, OS/2 and DOS. Winders was what, version 1.0?
The problem is not that we have windows, thats Apples fault. ;) It's how
we arrived at it.
Funny with I hear of new OS or a port of an older one the first two questions
are can it does it run X and can it network. Networking is not the big deal
it used to be and you see everything doing it even minimal machines. Windowing
however is never trivial, like a fungus it grows and it eats ram, cpu and
everything in sight.
I was happy for years running DOS with Norton Commander (midnight commander
for the linux user). What I didn't get with windows (V3.1, W9x) was a real
multitasking OS. Why? Because DOS wasn't a multitasking OS. There lies the