On 22 Feb 2009 at 15:35, Roy J. Tellason wrote:
Isn't JRT Pascal the one that had really horrible
reviews in the magazines
back when? Pournelle, maybe, though I couldn't say for sure as it's been a
It *was* pretty buggy and very S-L-O-W, particularly when run from 8"
SSSD floppy on a 2MHz 8080. But it allowed for very large programs
by using some sort of program segmentation (swapped to/from disk) and
had a curious calling sequence, which turned up the V20 snake.
But it *was* cheap--something like $24.95. I still have my original
floppy from them.
I have no idea what became of JRT--ISTR, the company name was the
initials of the author's name.
It's a good illustration of how sneaky some CPU bugs can be. I
suspect that CP/M will run just fine on an original NEC 8080, for