An old (CGA/MDA/EGA/VGA) monitor will do the trick. Years ago a
friend from the UK sent me a bunch of PAL VHS tapes with loads of old
British Comedy and other local interest stuff--and a VHS player.
I replaced the power transformer in the player and picked up a kit
that demodulated PAL to RGB. I still play it back occasionally
through my old Mitsubishi Diamondscan Multisync. I've also used an
old Sony Multiscan and an early NEC Multisync. None so much as
Parenthetically, through this exercise I did realize how much better
PAL was than NTSC. The color balance was always excellent from the
tapes, particularly as compared to the way off-the-air NTSC looks.
A favorite game of mine was to walk into one of the big box
electronics stores such as Circuit City and say to the guy flogging
big-screen sets from an acre of glowing boxes, "They all look
different. Which one has the correct colors?"