Has anyone done business with Richard Meyers
of Meyers Computer Services (Jersey Shore, PA)?
Here's why I ask...
After the many invectives launched here towards
E-bay (but prior to my post defending them), I
decided to check out
haggle.com. Almost right off
the bat, I found something I wanted for a great
price- a Seagate 11200ND diff SCSI drive. I won
the item, and received it on Wednesday.
It was Friday before I got around to trying it-
and it's DOA. Won't spin up; I can hear what might
be the heads trying to unpark, or maybe it's the
drive motor trying to start. But negatory.
Additionally, three SMD devices appear to have been
removed from the drive's interface PCB. Very strange.
I sent him e-mail on Friday w/r/t its status as DOA;
the description for the item gave it a 2-day DOA
warranty. He appears to be very busy; I spoke to
a subordinate, who took my info and said he'd
contact mr. meyers about it, and I'd be contacted
All the feedback on haggle for him is glowing;
I'm willing to believe he really is a busy guy
and that he (or a subordinate) just grabbed a
drive off the wrong pile and shipped it to me.
An honest mistake.
Should I be apprehensive about this? Hey, I'd
only be out $15 if I get no resolution, so it's
not going to be the end of the world.
Just thought I'd ask before I cop an attitude...
-doug q