> ::>I'm still kinda stuck on Pascal,
myself. But I loves Perl.
> ::Perl is essentially C for lazy people. I like
it too :) However, I
> ::consider it a very impure language and for this reason would prefer not to
> ::use it for anything besides shell/CGI scripts.
> It does encourage very sloppy programming habits,
true :-)
It's a tradeoff---most programmers I know hate
Ada for being very picky
about the code (it takes quite a bit of effort to please the compiler) and I
know I dislike Python (I think that's the one) for enforcing a particular
style of coding (indentation is significant---ick).
So I'm maybe not a real-programmer(tm), since I _love_ the ways ADA offer
to create efficient code _and_ helps me to avoide mistakes. Shure, it
is a bit more to write down, but in fact, if one has understood what he
wants to programm he can decribe it in every detail without problems - and
otherwise, if he is in trouble to do this, I'll doubt that he knows exactly
what to do - sloopy languages (like C) just support the implementations of
raw, unfinished (and in most cases unusable) ideas. I found that most 'real'
C-programmers (the ones that realy love and live their language) spending
most of their time in searching a solution to counter a poor implementation
they did just by themself.
It's realy a pitty that ADA didn't get along as it should have.
(still in love with Assm :)
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