der Mouse wrote:
[...] The
English language and especially the printed word are a
primary tool to me, a *valuable* tool, and it is unpleasant to watch
it being systematically and intentionally abused and misused.
Thank you very much, Doc. You've almost exactly nailed my own
objection, the major difference being that natural language (especially
English) is much less of a professional tool for me than it is for you.
But I still have much the reaction you sketched at seeing it so
deliberately mangled.
Personally, I think that this list (probably *any* list) is all about
conveying information - and lots of deliberate mis-spellings and redundant
words in any post detracts from that.
At the same time, we're all individuals and so have our own writing styles, so
trying to impose any kind of policy helps nobody - but I suspect that any
posts which are seriously out of line with the norm are in danger of just
being ignored by the majority on the list.