On 30 Aug 2008 at 7:42, William Blair wrote:
Thank you! That's the perfect tube multivibrator
lead which allowed
me to find these references using "code oscillator" and "6SN7" as
search terms:
It all was very long ago. I can tell you what I see in my mind's eye
(however accurate that is). A small chassis with a filament
transformer on one side, an interstage audio transformer on the other
and an octal tube socket in the middle. A pot on the front to vary
the pitch and a phone jack. The tube was definitely a dual triode;
it might have been a 6SL7 or 6SN7 (perhaps in the application, it
didn't matter). Construction was from either the ARRL RAH or perhaps
"The Radio Handbook" from about the same time.
I'm almost 100% certain that this was no multivibrator application;
indeed, half of the triode may have been used as a rectifier.
All of this is subject to the bit-rot that increasingly pervades my
wetware nowadays.