Honestly guys. This conversation sounds very bitchy. If it wasn't Bill
Gates who dominated the OS area in the 1980s and 1990s someone of the same
ilk would of.
Regardless what you think of them survival in business is always the
survival of the fittest. Gates was at the top of that game for a while.
Anyone who gets beats off the competition at that level has got to be
ruthless and clever. I don't condone it, but its a fact.
At least he IS doing something good with his money.
Let's move on from the constant Microsoft bashing, please!
On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Dennis Boone <drb at msu.edu> wrote:
Very true;
as this isn't a merit-based society. He was a damn good
programmer "back in the day", though; pity he didn't stick to that.
Some of the things I've heard about the early basic interpreter make me
wonder if he was really a good programmer.