On Fri, 2005-05-20 17:08:34 +0000, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at
yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
I can't say I've found many bad TIFF viewers
for single images though
(on any platform); it's only when multiple images are put into the same
file that a lot of tools start falling over.
We've now named quite a lot of applications and concepts about how to
handle scanned documents. I'd like to get the big picture:
- How do you scan a paper document? Page by page? Two pages at once
(with a sufficient large scanner)? Do you use a script or something
like that? ...or are there well-working applications out there that
aid in scanning some 100 pages? Do you directly scan b/w, or first use
grayscale/colour and then degrade that to b/w?
- How do you work on the scanned images: Do you cut off the white rim as
much as possible? How do you deal with images that are a tad rotated?
Accept that? Re-scan to hopefully get a better image? Revert rotation
in software? How do you deal with single black dots in white areas or
the other way around?
- What digital format do you like to get when it's all finished? Plain
PDF? PDF with some bookmarks? PDF with all headings as bookmarks? A
new PDF-hyperref based index? Multiple TIFF/PNG/whatever images?
Something like a web-based slide-show? ...or multiple formats
(web-based for viewing, PDF for printing, ...)?
- What do you currently use as your software:
Operating system:
PDF viewer:
TIFF viewer:
Browser/other viewers you'd love to use:
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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