I've got a number of old UNIX books that I need to get rid of soon.
Books I have:
The Waite Group's UNIX? Primer Plus (Sams Publishing) ISBN
Introduction To UNIX? (QUE Publishing) ISBN
QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolkit (QUE Publishing) ISBN
UNIX? Programmer's Reference (QUE Publishing) ISBN
UNIX? Networking (Hayden Books) ISBN
Exploring the UNIX? System, Second Edition (Hayden Books) ISBN
EXAM CRAM TCP/IP for MCSE (Certification Insider Press)
ISBN 1-57610-476-1
All ISBN codes reported exactly as they appear on the physical books
themselves. Abnormal or non-compliant hyphenation is therefore the fault of
the publisher.
"QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolkit" includes a 5.25" floppy disk. The
disk is
in near-perfect condition (visually), with the only noticeable issue is that
the disk label has lost it's adhesiveness. Unknown whether it is 360K or
1.2M. Whoever takes this book, I request that you image this disk for me.
Something mountable using a loopback device, please, no DOS Teledisk format
or whatever.
Please reply either on or off list. Shipping location is Gibsonton, Florida,
United States of America. Zip/Postal is 33534.
I have to get rid of these by Saturday. I don't want to have to garbage them
if someone will take them.