Cameron Kaiser wrote:
Best blank stare from a salesdroid was obtained by a
friend of mine at a
CompUSA, who (legimately, he wasn't trying to be difficult) walked in and
asked for a DE-15 breakout kit to make up a serial cable. The salesdroid
sank deep in thought and his brow furrowed deeply for a good fifteen seconds,
during which a junior saleslarva came up, which he waved off with a finger,
and continued to pontificate for another thirty seconds longer, after which
he came to a sudden internal conclusion, looked up, and said, "No."
Your friends mistake was thinking that CompUSA would have such a thing in the
first place. Chains stock what they can sell at a high volume and NOTHING else.
Check out WalMart. It killed the local hardware store, but try and get any
hardware from there.