Just to fan the flames, my stepfather found a useful reason to divide by
zero on a Convergent Technologies system back in 78'. Not supposed to be
possible. He was real proud of that bit of code. He was coding in a
Basic/Cobol like language at the time.
How bout an example of code? I've got some of the most Godawful examples
you've seen. I was on a painkiller called Damason after a surgury. I
converted a game from C3 basic to Atari Basic.
5500 If not xyzzy=0 then pop:pop:pop:pop:pop: gosub 2900
Really. In fact, the first couple of lines are like that. Patches of
POP in Atari basic removes the last destination for a Return from a
conditional branch (gosub)...........
No wonder I don't make my living writing programs.
In <986838640.3ad1f67074de3(a)email.ou.edu>du>, on 04/09/01
at 04:39 PM, "Jeffrey S. Sharp" <jss(a)ou.edu> said:
Quoting "McFadden, Mike"
> It's nostalgia time
> Do you remember IBM JCL, Job Control Language?
> Do you remember DEC DOS/BATCH?
> Have you punched cards using a drum card?
> Have you used an O26 keypunch?
> Have you used an O29 keypunch?
> Have you played trek on at VT52?
> Have you entered data on a VT05?
> Have you used an RX01?
> Have you used a TU58?
Not me. Not yet, that is...
> I think a computer language and programming flame
war is needed to
> clear the air and stoke the emotions :)
Ok, I'm game! Gotos are not inherently harmful.
They are a tool, and as
such, can be used for both good and evil. In fact, I've written code
using gotos that is downright elegant.
And if that didn't do it, how about this: I
haven't decided yet whether
total OO is a Good Thing or not. Someone set me straight!
Jeffrey S. Sharp
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
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