I guess you don't have the manuals for this. AFIK I have the full set of
manuals for BASIC 5.1 along with a bunch of other useful related HP manuals
such as the HP 9826/9836 and HP 9000/300 Series Computer Installation
manuals, various peripheral configuration manuals, BASIC 2.1 and 3.0
manuals, HPL manual, Pascal manuals, Self-Study Guide to Instrument
Interfacing using HP Basic, FSD Customer Engineering Manual and more. This
stuff needs to be made available to the everyone. Al has asked about
borrowing the stuff and scanning it and I've told him that he can but we
haven't done anythng to make it happen yet. But it's about time that we
did. How about it Al? Do you have time to do this stuff yet?
I'll make time to get it done. I have a couple of other manuals to get
on line (like the other PASCAL manual and the 9836 service manual)
Was talking to a friend of mine today who makes a little Ubicom board
and I suggested he implement an HPIB interface on it and implement
enough of a emulator to provide an HPIB peripheral to Ethernet interface.
Then, you could have a box on the net simulate the rest.