I've been having fun working up this configuration,
thanks to Chris and a local netBSD company.
The onCD documentation for installing the OS was a little spotty,
It's taken a bunch of workarounds to get it this point: O/S loaded
and booting which I can make public if anybody wants.
It threatens to be entirely enjoyable experience, if it works reliably,
which it isn't at current. I get random segmentation and other faults
during medium level of challenge commands like df,du, and pstat.
I'm thinking there's three possibilities right now: (1) mis-configured
swap space, (2) feeble SCSI driver + marginal SCSI drive specs,
(3) bad memory. There could be another cause; I don't know.
#1 seems most likely since all I've done is create the swap partition,
no config changes were made, but the /etc/fstab at least looks OK to me.
#2 has been hinted at by some documentation, but the disk load
went without hiccup.
#3 hasn't been seen within the MacOS (7.5.1) but I don't know any
serious tests for it.
If anyone is dealing with BSD right and wants to comment,
be my guest.
John A.