Well I bought a HP 9845B from a German seller, the m**** putted the whole
thing in a box with some airbags.
And of cause (TONY DON'T READ THIS) the monitor came loose of the case and
destroyed the monitor posts ;-)
How am I supposed to know not to read soemthng before I've read it nad
interpretted the instruction :-).
I beleive it's a good idea to remove the monitor when shippign one of
these machines.
Remidns me of the time a friend had a PERQ 1a shipped to him. This
machine has a Shugard SW4000 hard idsk nad it's a good idea (to put it
mildly) to fit the head locking clip and spindle locking screw before
moving the mahcien any distance... We told the seller how to do this, he
said he would. The machine arrived, and the seller then claimed he
couldn't find the locking clip (ARGH, I would have lent him one..) and
that he hoped it would be OK. It wasn't!. And to make thigns worse, the
lockign clip was inside the machine.. He just couldn;'t be bothered, I
had a couple lf very late nightsd as a result.
Sh** why can't they pack classic computers in a decent way.
I'm getting very disappointed in epray, every time I find a nice bargain the
destroy it by shipping it the wrong way.
I must be very lucky. Everything I've boguht on E-bay has been
well-packed, or at least well enough packed to avoid damage.