I've seen a bunch of more or less generic, 8-bit capable, allegedly bootable
ISA cards based on the 53c80 & 53c90 over the years. It's a really
widespread family, and it supported by many OSes. The various c90 variants
were quite good for the time. I didn't spend that much time with 8-bit ISA
systems, so I can't be in any way authoritative on which ones would work.
The 53c400 is also 8-bit capable, and near as I can figure you can get cards
with them for a penny a pound, but I've never seen one with a boot rom, and
while there are claims that you can put a disk on one, I've never seen one
do anything more than drive a scanner.
I'm pretty sure the AIC-6260 & AIC-6360 can do 8-bit, but it's also one
never seen with a boot rom (which means little). In fact, I've only seen
one example that wasn't on a sound card.