Far as I know there are gobs of info on the VIC and C64, 128 and 128D on
the web, just consult your friendly neighborhood search engine. "Brain" is
one of the people that comes to mind in the expert-on-Commodore category but
in the last year or two I haven't done much with any Commode-Ore stuff -
even though I've tons of items stashed in my storage trailer. I guess soon
it's gonna all have to be pulled and sold/traded as appropriate. All i'm
going to keep is the SX64 and C128D out of all the stuff I have.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org
[mailto:owner-classiccmp@classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of Lanny Cox
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:51 AM
To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org
Subject: VIC-20
I recently picked up a VIC-20 with Tape Recorder, Joystick, 5 games, etc.
on EBay for 11 bucks. It was my first purchase as a classic comp
and I had a few questions concerning it and was wondering if any
of you guys
could answer:
1. Are there any mods to improve that god-awful display???
2. Are there any companies that still sell the memory upgrades for these
3. Did i get a good deal for 11 bucks? was it worth it??
And finally, are there any schematics/tutorials on the net for creating
text terminals? I wanted one to interface with a 6502 board i'm
working at,
but I wanted to build it myself and running some prog like
HyperTerminal or
whatever just didn't seem as fun.
-Lanny Cox