In the 11/44 system which is now occupying my evenings... there
are three Massbuss adaptors [M5904]. I actually have an RA90+power
supply out in the garage, condition unknown at this time.. I don't
know anything at all about the Massbuss and it's peripherals, save
that its serial and kinda fast.
I have a DataProducts P300, that I think DEC called an LXY11... at
any rate , this printer has a DataProducts standard interface. I
believe there exist several Unibus cards that speak the Dataproducts
protocol, I just can't find them in all the manuals around here. Yet.
Would anyone like to have one (or two) of these M5904s in trade
for a Unibus <-> DataProducts P300 card (and very hopefully cable)??
What are the general spec for an RA90? Is it worthwhile even
attempting to attach it to the System?
Another question: Has anyone any suggestions re: a good
communications program for the 11/44 under RSTS/E?
Cheers... and Best of the Season