Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 09:20:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Cameron Kaiser <spectre(a)>
Subject: Re: TV Tuner cards (on topic, honest :)
You probably have a PeeCee, but I bought a Formac PCI tuner
card for my
PowerMac. After I had a mild brain fart getting the RF input
I wish I had the cash to buy a PowerMac! Believe it or not our little one
uses a Color Classic at school so she's right into Apples ATM :) She's only
4 1/2 but had no bother navigating her way round a Performer 475 last
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 12:06:44 -0700 (MST)
From: Jim Strickland <jim(a)>
Subject: Re: GS disks an' that.
The easiest (and IMHO best) solution to this problem is to go
and for $69 purchase the focusdrive IIgs, which has system
6.0.1 already
on it. These drives are great. You'll need at least a 4 mb
memory expander
to run it though.
Ah, but that's money :) I'd rather spend the cash on saving more machines
from the skip......
I've got a
spare Amiga -> CVBS cable if needs be......
What does this do? Perhaps we could trade amiga hardware for
GS hardware?
It's the official C= D23 to red/white/yellow RCA type connectors to plug
into a 1084 monitor or any CVBS supporting monitor like the Philips CM8833.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:21:00 -0500
From: THETechnoid(a)
Subject: Re: TV Tuner cards (on topic, honest :)
My friend Mark of Skyforward Productions uses a Mirrovideo dc30 series
card that does both video standards. I think it might also do
PAL/M and
Secam. You will have to research the newer-model cards as his is no
longer made.
thanks! I'll do a swift google search and see what I turn up.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:21:27 -0500
From: Jeff Hellige <jhellige(a)>
Subject: Re: TV Tuner cards (on topic, honest :)
For an older PC using PCI slots for the video card, the Real
3D Starfighter had a version that had both inputs and outputs that
could work with both PAL and NTSC. It's a 3D card based on the i860
and it has 16meg of RAM onboard. I used to see these on eBay quite a
'Tis a pity my primary card is a AGP Nvidia GeForce 2......thanks anyway.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:59:42 +0100 (CET)
From: kees.stravers(a)
Subject: Re: TV Tuner cards (Correction)
The Matrox Marvel G400-TV can record and playback in both PAL
and NTSC.
Can it? I didn't know that......I might be able to get one of these locally.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:57:27 -0800
From: "Henry Broekhuyse" <broekh(a)>
Subject: RE: GS disks an' that.
The original posting on this topic was from someone with an
original "Woz" GS. Many "Woz" GSs were of the "ROM 00" type
(the later
versions were ROM 01 and ROM 03). Apparently all versions of GS/OS require
minimum version of ROM 01.
Actually, mine isn't an original "Woz edition" per se. It's a normal GS
that's been signed by the man himself and dedicated to the previous owner
underneath the hood ("Richard, love a bug" it says - the previous owner was
the man behind the Apple Retrospective website and he has a thing about VW
beetles). I was looking at it last week trying to find out what version ROM
it has and I drew a blank.
I'll check the FAQ, but I think the core thing I must do is get a 3.5"
floppy that will actually work.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 17:32:53 +0000
From: Jim Arnott <jrasite(a)>
Subject: Re: GS disks an' that.
WHile we're on the subject of GS's... The local thrift store has a
complete IIgs system (CPU, monitor, external 3.5" drive, Imagewriter
II, cables, power supplies, software) that they're asking $25 for.
Anyone interested? Claim that it fires up just fine. (shipping would
be from 97883)
And therefore too expensive to get to the UK. I don't suppose you could just
buy the floppy drive for me could you? :o))
cheers folks
adrian/witchy - the Online Computer Museum