Yes, I built one of those Miniscamps also.
I think I've always had a soft spot for the SC/MP since that time.
I bought some SC/MP chips a few years ago and most of them did not work, but
a couple did and I built up a small system with 4K RAM, 4K EPROM, 8255 PPI
and an 8251 USART. I wrote a small program to test that it all works, and a
"Lazy brown fox" message through the serial port. It worked fine, then I got
distracted in expanding an AIM65... then I got a hold of a couple more AIMs,
and they were broken so I set about fixing them. I guess time just got away
and I got more distracted with a cantencerous Central Data 2650 system. So,
the home-built SC/MP system still sits waiting for me to write a
debug/monitor for it.
However, now I've got the LCDS I've got the vigour back and will fix it and
also get back to my home built one.
I too am interested in any SC/MP stuff that's for sale.