That's both good and bad news at once. I was hoping it might prove to
be a CPM intended machine and that one of the systems in the archive
would power it. Bit of a dilemma...
I'll probably pick it up and see what we can do.
Also, would this have any type of bus? It's the same basic form factor
as a PC so I assume there is room for card profiles (doesn't mean that's
not just for the drive overhead).
Whaddaya think?
Don Maslin wrote:
On Sat, 14 Feb 1998, Mike Allison wrote:
Probably is, as there is/was an NCR-5400 CP/M machine. It has DSDD 96tpi
drives, and if you are able to find a system disk for it, I'd appreciate
a copy to add to the archive. (I only have one for the Decisionmate V.)
- don