Glen Slick wrote:
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Josh Dersch
<derschjo at> wrote:
How does one tell whether a power supply has the
battery option? (Is it
merely the presence of the battery connector on the rear, which both of my
machines have?)
Remove the top cover on the power supply. I think on mine there is a
board legend either on the top of the cover or on the inside of the
cover after you remove it. If you have a jumper board installed the
battery backup option is not installed, and if the jumper board is not
installed I believe there is an inverter board and a battery charger
board installed as part of the battery backup option. That's from
memory and I'd either need to look inside my own systems or find the
right manual to look at to verify I have that correct.
Thanks. Checked it out and there's no battery option present on the E,
there appears to be one in the F. Tested the power supply in the F and
it's completely dead. I get ~0.25V on the 5V lines, and 0V on the 12V
lines. I'll put that one on the shelf for a later day...
Don't tell Tony, but I swapped out the main board from the F to the E
and now the 1000E seems to be working... it powers up, the "display"
register counts up to 3 and at that point I'm able to view registers,
and deposit stuff into memory (and call it back later :)).
Now to see if I can get something running on it...
Thanks all for the help!