Where to begin....
Random points in no particular order
I feel Sellam's pain. I completely understand it. I have no problem with the
idea behind his post, but I do have a real problem with the way he expressed
it. I'm not going to say that any profanity whatsoever is forbidden. It's
not. We're chronologically adults here, so we can deal with a bit of that
and I'm not going to start censoring particular words, etc. However, there
is something called "going overboard" and that was certainly illustrated
here IMHO. A word in a post will probably be ignored by most. Bear in mind
that a few more than that and it reflects badly on you to some others on the
list (which you may or may not care about, that's your call). More than that
and I'll come down hard on it. It's not going to be accepted. There will be
even less tolerance for political or religious statements of an antagonistic
nature and zero tolerance for personal attacks. I reserve the right to
handle these on a case by case basis. If someone sees banning from the list
as being "a baby", then I'm a baby. If people don't follow the above
will be banned without any apologies from me.
I can not read every post to the list. If someone sees something I should
know about, feel free to email me privately about it in case I missed it.
Don't expect that I will handle it how or when you want, I'll deal with it
in my own way or perhaps not at all if I don't think it's warranted.
I will publicly repeat my offer for classiccmp to have a link to VCM, and
would think VCM would return the favor. We all should do our best to support
VCM as best we can. I know that can't always happen for obvious reasons.
When I need moochobucks for an item that is only on ebay, I need to get
moochobucks selling something there so I can buy it. But that doesn't mean
we can't try to support VCM (and I'm not saying people haven't).
I have a great respect for Sellam's actions & achievements. I have a great
respect for the contribution he's made to the hobby. I don't feel that those
sentiments are diminished by the fact that I am not particularly thrilled
when he just posts to the list when he's looking for something. I'm not
saying he should stop posting those requests to the list, nor am I
minimalizing his contributions to the hobby by expressing this sentiment.
I'm expressing my own opinion and encourage others to form their own
opinions about that for themselves. I don't believe anyone questioned his
devotion to the hobby. However, see the first paragraph above - that
devotion does not grant a right to say anything in anyway one wants.
Someone said he was just "being direct". Rude is rude, no matter what you
choose to call it.
There's a lot of 'tit-for-tat' posts on this topic that I would like to have
weighed in on. But after some thought I've decided to step back (and also
because I've run out of time and would like to respect my own deadline). I'd
rather not see responses to this post on the list primarily because above
I'm stating policies that don't need discussion, or I'm stating my own
opinions just for clarification and I'm not asking for a debate.
Best regards,