On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 12:28:00 -0800, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 12 Jan 2007 at 15:10, Bob Bradlee wrote:
> The Bede5 was/is the little single seat jet, James
bond made famous and the Beer companies flew at
> airshows and such. He introduced a little highwing at Oskosh the same year as he flew
the Bede5j jet
> the public for the first time. I think, it was the
Bede 15 but I may be wrong .... The 70's were hard on
me :)
The 5J is a jet, but the original 5 used a Honda
snowmobile engine in
a pusher-prop configuration. The web is full of photos of the prop
The BD5 was introduced with the Rotak<sp?> engine, there were 2 sizes you could
But I stand on my statement Bond with teh help of the Beer companies made the design it
famous, except
for a few, flyers of course.
As long as we are way off topic here is a link to a M60 Bombsight I am working on
identifing, and an
Injection Carburetor for an R02800 Double Wasp engine used on the A-26 or C-46.