convey the heat. Very inexpensive boards with no thru
will be your enemy. I would not expect to find that in a PDP.
The advantage of no through plating is that its vairly easy to get all
the solder off (it will not remain in the hole, holding the component
lead to the sides of the hole). On the other hand, it's a lot easier to
lift tracks on such a board.
I think all the PCBs in a PDP11 are going to be through plated. It;'s
been some time since I've worked on the PSU in question (H7140), but I am
pretty sure the PCBs I repaired in mine were through plated.
I have never used "braid", I have never
liked it, you must heat
Like you I've never got on with braid for desoldering through-hole parts.
I have a reel in my toolikt though for some SMD repairs. It's useful for
removign bridges between pins on SOICs and PQFPs. Actually, a lot of the
ime, braid works well for desoldering such devices for removal.
A lifted track can be repaired with some 30 gauge wire
wrap wire
stripped clean, bridging gaps, or thru holes to solid track on both
That's fine for logic signal tracks, but for tracks carrying a higher
current (for example inside the PSU), I'd use thicker wire.
I am told taht for the highest reliability you should solder the wire to
a component lead, via, or similar., and not just put it across the break
and solder it to the track. That said, I have never found the latter
method partciularly unreliable (by that I mean that I have repaired PCBs
that way and nevre had problems from the repair going open-circuit).
What does NOT work is to but a blob of colder across the break.
sides. I have also socketed any DIP I have ever
removed, if at all
possible, with a good 2 side wipe socket suck as AMP.=20
I prefer turned-pin (machined pin) sockets. I don;t think I've evr had a
bad contact in one of those.
I;ll socket any 'expensive' or programemd device (EPROM, PAL, etc) that
I've removed. But I generalyl solder TTL, 4000-series CMOS, etc,
directly to the PCB. The on exception is on something that I am designing
(where I socket everything), it's a lot easier to debug a circuit if you
cna pull one of the ICs and inject suitble signals on the socket contacts.