Besides, Mark Twain was once heard to remark:
"It takes an uncreative man to spell a word only one way!"
Phila, PA
P.S.: Got the LNW-80 yesterday. It doesn't work properly, and I can't
lift it easily due to an injury. But, my friend Tom will stop by and
help me get it running.
I can't wait!
From: Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com>
On Fri, 24 Nov 2006, Warren Wolfe wrote:
> I much prefer clarity and correct spelling to
> on this list.
Excellent. Let's talk about "depricate."
I see a [slight] qualitative difference between accidental/ignorant
misspellinq v deliberate attempts to be "cool" by creating new words.
When I went back to college as a grad student, I was worried that my bad
spelling would be an embarrassment. It turned out that MOST of the people
that I dealt with were substantially worse! So, now I have a license
plate frame that proudly proclaims that I am a "UC Berkeley Aluminum".
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at