On 08/06/2013 08:27 PM, Mike Loewen wrote:
There are four 8" disk images in Don
Maslin's archive which appear
to be for the 860:
860-D3 SSDD8 860 (?)
860SCRCH SSDD8 860 Scratch disk
860SCSYS SSDD8 860 (?)
860TRNG SSDD8 860 Training disk
The 860SCSYS.TD0 image appears to be a system disk of some sort.
The others appear to contain word processing documents. I can send you
(or Ian) the image files, or write them to 8" disks for you.
Well, I probably got the 860 sample from Don way back when, as it's his
handwriting on the floppy along with my name. I didn't know if he kept
the images around.
So, Emily Litella.