Does the IBM System 23 hold any value these days?
We FINALLY are off them (had one last application still running up until
about 2 months ago). So I can now start unloading the ones I have.
I am trying to decide if I should eBay them, or just give them away, or
<shudder> throw them in the dumpster.
I have 3 or 4 of the "all in one" units (screen, keyboard, dual 8"
floppies all in one box), and I have one "tower" unit (dual drives in a
tower box, screen and keyboard are seperate parts). I also have 3 or 4
Beyond the above descriptions, I know almost nothing about these things,
and almost as little about how to operate them... so they aren't
something I really care to "collect".
I will probably hang onto the tower unit and one printer (at least for
the next 7 years, just in case the IRS comes knocking and we need to get
info off the old software)... it was the last unit in service. The others
were being held as spares in case the tower died, but since we finally
got our one accounting application migrated to another system, I can
afford to get rid of the spares.
Anyone have any idea if I can got money for them, or should I just be
happy to find a home other than the big metal box the "dustcart" (<- too
much GTA3) collects twice a week.