Tony Duell and Chuck McMannis are thanked in large measure for
thier help. Tony and I have the same manual... for the curious,
the missing part in my 33 (and I have just spent another hour poking
around; the part has been abducted by Vintage Computer Aliens.) is
depicted in Bulletin 11848 33 [Page Printer Set (ASR, KSR, and RO)],
in Section 574-122-800TC, Page 8, figure 7.. at the bottom of the
page on the right... the part number is 180478 (Guide, Nylon)
Chuck, if you want to send me one or two of these beasts, I'll
send you copies of the official Teletype test paper tapes....
In the meantime, I guess I'll start the long disassembly
process... the platen and forms control unit has to come off, then
the carriage mechanism... what fun!