And more importantly, personal e-mail should stay
between individuals that
the e-mail is communicated to, and not made public without consent. This
posting of private messages to the mailing list that some people have
taken to doing is <snip>, and I swear the next time someone
does this I will go medieval on their <snip>.
On this issue, I have to agree
with Sam. I mean, personal issues are not
what we're talking about here. This is the ClassicCmp mailing list, there's
an entire alt.psychology section of Usenet. Use it for personal
issues/problems. Also, private messages are PRIVATE. If they were meant
for the group to read, then they should have been sent there in the first
place. Only publisize messages when it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
Have some fucken integrity.
This is what I
disagree with. We're all reasonable. Now, you're going to
complain about all of us being toddlers, but before you do, think of this.
There are impressionalbe children on this list, myself being one of them.
If you have a problem, treat it like a gentleman. We're all civilized
enough to let people have their say. Make opinions pleasant for everyone to
read. There's no reason to resort to profanity to expres emotions, or, more
often then not, not expressing them.
Tim D. Hotze