In the last few weeks I have particularly noted the amount of absolute
dribble in this email list.
I am interested in the maintainence/restoration/use of OLD computers and I
don't give a fat rats rectum about miscrosoft bloatware,raw HTML, and all
of the other total off topic crap that has been going on.
If you want to bleather on like a bunch of school girls do so in the news
groups or on IRC where you may find someone who actually cares about the
topic you are going on about.
All you have managed to do is reduce this once useful email list to a noise
channnel and I now find the news groups more ON topic with less mindless
The downside of what will happen is those who ARE serious about the old
hardware will leave and form a new mail list and you all will be the
eventual loosers as the people with REAL knowledge wont be here.
No I am not the list Mom but I don't have time to read 50 messages of
toatal crap each day. My next step is to place filters on this group to
filter out the noise MAKERS, so if you then want usefull info I wont be
able to help because I wont see your messages. So STAY ON TOPIC...THE
Keith Whitehead