I have found
my 'Acron' IEEE-488 interface. It's the normal 'cheese
wedge' case, but the intenral layout is not what you might expect. There
is no PSU at the front as in the second processors, instead there's a
metal plate screwed there.
Yes, I almost mentioned that, but I think I've seen it in one of the other
cheese wedge boxes too. Might have been the Econet bridge, or possibly the
Prestel adapter...
It's not the Econet bridge (or at least not in _my_ Econet bridge), that
has the normal PSU (I forget if it's a linear or switch-mode one) across
the front of the case.
I've never seen the Pretzel (oops, Prestel) modem. I've got a scheamtic
for it somwewhere, but that doesn't, IIRC, show the PSU. One day, I
guess, I'll find one (although old Acorn kit does go for high prices on