On 2018-03-28 3:37 PM, ethan at
757.org wrote:
????>> Some of us...
>> Do the math. Scanning all of that fiche
is man-centuries of work
>> with all but the most expensive equipment.
> Quite.? Maybe someday 9600 dpi scan heads will be cheap, but not soon
> enough for most of us here today to care.
We are like engineers or something. I think there is open source
software for rebuilding images from shredded documents.Slide projector
lens, LED array and diffuser and a digital camera. Stepper motors to
move the thing around and load next fiche?
Let the robot do it?
The problem with engineers is they sometimes reach to build something
from scratch (even if you have the tools and skill, who
has the time,
really?) when off the shelf equipment can do this, and better.
Communalise that equipment. (See also: Book scanning.)
I doubt I have anything unique, but it's possible a handful
of items are not easily found.
For myself, it would be an enormous accomplishment just to make an
index of the titles.? At least it fits in a couple of shoeboxes and
takes up less room than paper.?? The manual fiche reader itself is
much larger than my pile of fiche, so there's that.
: Ethan O'Toole