Alternately, one could use "You have questions,
let me get the manager",
which is behavior which seemed common for RS people when I was in high
school. We'd make a game of it...ask really pointed computer questions
and see either what kind of lies they'd make up, or see how long it took
for them to get the manager...
Best blank stare from a salesdroid was obtained by a friend of mine at a
CompUSA, who (legimately, he wasn't trying to be difficult) walked in and
asked for a DE-15 breakout kit to make up a serial cable. The salesdroid
sank deep in thought and his brow furrowed deeply for a good fifteen seconds,
during which a junior saleslarva came up, which he waved off with a finger,
and continued to pontificate for another thirty seconds longer, after which
he came to a sudden internal conclusion, looked up, and said, "No."
----------------------------- personal page: --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser(a)
-- I can't type any long sentiments in this .sig file because it's not wide enou