On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Tom Uban wrote:
Uh, yup. My little brother is working in the IT shop for a large
company that's going bellyup. They run Lotus Notes for mail. Last
month, th Corporate Office sent out a list of depatments & teams that
were "eligible for early retirement." Odd thing - that one Notes email
could be neither printed, exported, or forwarded. Even a reply, which
appeared to quote the full text, left no quote in the "sent" folder.
I'm not sure how much trouble his bosses went to cover their tracks, but
the effect was rather impressive. The solution, though, was rather
The "Print Screen" key.....
What about a copy/paste operation?
The "Copy" item in the menus was grayed out, and Ctrl-C didn't work
either. It was quite comprehensive.