Indeed. But I'll bet Tony will yell at me for
daring to mention Haynes
Oh, they're always good for a laugh. Expecially if you compare them to
the official factory manual to see what Haynes left out (both entire
sections -- they seem not to bother with the diagnostic codes for mdoern
cars) and steps in a particular procedure.
At one thime they claiemd that 'every manaul is based on a complete
strip-down and rebuild'. They're stopped saying that now, IMHO it's no
lonter true. The recent Haynes manauls are often reprinted bits of the
official manaul (some diagrams are identical). And it's clear in amny
caes they;'ve nto actually tried to do the repair.
Special tools required... Which nobody has or will
sell you.
The tool is avaialble locally... 'locally' is either a misprint for
'luckily' or the name of a small village in Wales.
Fabricate tool as follows... Bwahahahahahaha! That's a laugh!
Actualyl, I wish they would include dimentioned drawings of the special
tools. A lot of them could be made in a home workshop...