You are correct. WfWg 3.11 does not run in standard mode. I just tested it.
Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 23 Nov 2007 at 13:37, scheefj at
Not only can Win 3.0 run on an 8088 and CGA, it
can be installed and run
on an HP100LX or 200LX. It's a little slow with the very limited RAM
but it does work. The weird part is that the mouse is nearly as large as
the computer!
To keep the chronology of capabilities straight. Win 3.0 supported
real, standard and enhanced 386 modes, 3.1 dropped real mode, WFWG
3.1 supported standard and 386 enhanced modes, 3.11 supported only
386 enahnced.
Do I have that right? Or could you run WFWG 3.11 in standard mode?