Hi Guys,
I've just posted another update to my ImageDisk program to my site.
The main improvement is that I have added a new program called BIN2IMD which
allows you to create .IMD images from raw binary sector dumps (such as you
can get from many other formats, emulators or just by "taking apart" another
image). It's pretty flexible, and can make mixed format disks etc. ussing sets of
rules you give it telling which sectors from the binary file go to what tracks/sectors
on the disk. This is essentially the opposite function to the /B option I added to
IMDU in the last release. I have used it to make physical disks from binary images
sources which were not previously .IMD format, and it has proven very useful.
Also, since ImageDisk is getting quite mature, I have added a manual, separate
from the help files. Feedback appreciated.
I have also made some minor cosmetic fixes, spelling corrections, and improved
the file selection manual entry mode in ImageDisk so that you can directly access
files from other paths.
For anyone who doesn't already know: ImageDisk is a program for archiving and
restoring soft-sector floppy disks to image files using the PC floppy controller
hardware. It is compatible with any format which can be read/written by the PC
hardware (including mixed mode/density formats). The image file format is
fully documented, allowing you to access the data from the diskette by other
means if you need to.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: