In <>du>, on 01/17/01
at 10:18 PM, "Edwin P. Groot" <epgroot(a)> said:
37 pins? What an oddball number. I have seen
floppy cables with 50,
34 or 20 pins. 5-1/4" MFM hard drives have 34 pin plus 20 pin. SCSI hard
drives have 50 pins.
Try to find other printing, like a model number, on the card.
At 08:39 PM 1/17/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I just received a Xebec card of some kind. It is designed for an Apple ][
>series machine, say so on the card. It has a 37 pin connector attached to
>the card via a ribbon cable. Is this a SCSI card? It is dated 1988. Any
>help greatly appreciated!!
>Arthur Clark
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
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