On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Richard Erlacher wrote:
substitute implemented using a Z-80. Consequently I
proposed one wire his
own computer using the processor, 64K of static ram, and a serial port of
some type TBD. Maybe, just for the exercise, a file device, e.g. a floppy
disk controller ala WD1770/72 ought to be included. That's got to be hashed
out for sure, if it's to be realized in hardware. Problems potentially lie
in the path, however, as some of the hardware may be scarce if availalble at
Well, while you're at it, why not add a hard drive, a graphics
accelerator, a scanner, an ethernet adaptor, a pencil sharpener, and a
juicer attachment?
Jesus Christ! Can't anything be simple for you, Richard? This is a
SOFTWARE exercise, not a hardware one. You keep wanting to throw an
entire government beauracracy at the simplest of ideas.
Just specify a challenge and let people go at it. Screw the speed! Screw
even judging the resultant code based on their relative operating times.
The real judgement will be on the cleverness of the hack anyway.
This can all get to be a mite burdensome when all you
wanted was to see what
the fastest or most efficient code one could come up with would look like,
Oh, you think so!?!?
This requires some more thought.
No, I think its already suffered from WAY too much.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar(a)siconic.com
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