Gordon JC Pearce MM3YEQ wrote:
David Griffith wrote:
On Sat, 6 Dec 2008, Kevin Schoedel wrote:
This made
me start wondering about going a couple steps farther.
a replacement board for the controller found in a Model M keyboard
is a drop-in replacement that turns the thing into a USB keyboard.
Why hack up a
perfectly good keyboard when you can buy a PS/2-to-USB
translator for pocket change?
I want the USB interface to be internal.
What happens when you want to use your Model M on a machine with a PS/2
interface, again? :-p
You plug it into your USB-to-PS/2 translator? ;)
I suppose a PS/2-to-USB translator internal to the keyboard *might* be
possible, but with the retention of the usual PS/2 + AT socket on the back -
that way the keyboard would be really versatile. But then I've just
reacquainted myself with a Model M (thanks, Brian!) and I suspect there's not
the free space inside to do it (I've not had the case apart to poke around inside)
I need to buy a PS/2-to-USB translator for use with the above keyboard, so I
may well shop around for the smallest that I can find and see if this is
possible... (mind you, a genuine vintage Model M may well be pushing things as
far as power requirements already)